THE THIRD DIMENSION As Videotracker is one the best programs on the Amiga for producing intros for 3D games etc and it is quite complex,here are some instructions to get you going. Quick instructions 1. Load videotracker and then select LOAD MODULE from the project menu.Now click on the PLAY button to see if you can hear the mod playing. The screen will probably go black as the mod plays.Click a mouse button to get back to the Editor and you will notice that the SONG POSITION is advancing up 1,2,3 etc.Use the arrows to set it back to 0 (zero) if it has so that you are back at the song/mod start at zero. 2. Next load in your animation using the LOAD COMMAND-EFFECT MENU.This will load into FIRST EFFECT position 0.You can load more anims,pictures,effects into a new FIRST EFFECT position 1 then use the arrow to go to 2 etc. Use a new FIRST EFFECT position for each new anim,picture that you will be using. Each anim must have its own FIRST EFFECT position and you must select a new empty FIRST EFFECT position before you load in the anim etc. 3. When you have loaded all of these effects(anims etc) into their own First Effect empty space you will probably want to see them work.So press the PLAY button and you will hear the mod but nothing works! This is because they need to be told to work with a certain sample. What this means is that your anim will play evertime it hears a certain sample. So you could see your anim show for example whenever it hears the bass drum (that is if you have a bass sample in your mod). Everytime that bass drum plays it will show the anim because every anim etc is triggered off by a sample. To make the anim show go to the SAMPLE arrows (make sure that the song position is at 0 first) and find a sample name that you have heard playing at the start of your mod.Not every mod has sample names included so sometimes you have to guess! Now if you can hear a piano sample,bass drum etc playing at the beginning of the mod then we will use that to trigger off the anim to show. Set the PRIORITY arrow to show 2 and pick the anim,picture etc that you want this sample to show by selecting the FIRST EFFECT arrows to show the anim name.Next select the LAST EFFECT arrow to show the last anim etc for it to play.This can be the same number as the First Effect just to show that or a higher number to show a series of effects to be played by that same sample. All these/this effect/s will now be played by that sample (bass etc) at song position 0. You can do this for each new song position and choose a new sample to trigger off an anim at that song position. YOU MUST SET A PRIORITY OF AT LEAST 1 TO MAKE A ANIM ETC WORK WITH A SAMPLE!!!!!!!!!! Try pressing PLAY now to see the anim show and hear the mod. So - You select an anim etc to play at each song position which must be triggered off by a sample and have a priority set to at least 1.You do this for all song positions. You can use the Anim Loop to make a anim play over and over. If you use more than one effect for a sample then adjust the EFFECT SPEED to give better results. :) If you need more help then please let me know!